The Andromedan race

The ET’s from Andromeda are the descendent’s of the Lyrans and the Lyrans experienced many difficulty andromedan race leaving the lyran system due to other ET races, however they did settle in #Andromeda in the star system Zenetae, they are known as the Andromedan race or Andromedans.

Everything the andromedan race create are technologically utilized for the development of their race. It is for educational purposes only. It can be used in defense. They do not have a military, they are researchers. What they do is send their children to school anywhere from 150 to 200 years, in our earth time. The andromedan race have a love of teaching in the arts and sciences, they are quite the master in everything, they have the freedom to choose what they want to do, if they do change their minds they will probably go onto do something else. They have all the tools they need for education. They would never conceive of creating television as a distraction. Everything is to help them progress, and their science and their innovation can be used for defensive functions, primarily the holographic things.